Women Capacity Building and Development Organization (WCBDO) was registered as a non- governmental organization (NGO) on 2nd March 2010 with Ministry of Economy by registration number 1609.
WCBDO is also registered with Ministry of Women Affairs, Department of youth, and literacy department of Ministry of Education. It is a women’s rights defender and capacity building organization.
WCBDO has changed over the years and its now more focusing on poverty reduction activities, youth and child empowerment with core priority of human right, social inclusion and equal and just society, where everyone can live with respect and dignity.
We work in most challenging environment and insecure context of Afghanistan, our main office is in Kabul and focal points are working in Paktiya, Urozgan, Kandahar, Helmand, Nimroz, Kapisa, Jalalabad, Kunduz, Samangan Balkh and Bamiyan.

A healthy, hygienic & well-developed Afghanistan, free of economic problems, joblessness, injustice and social discrimination.
Despite of women advancement in business, and other spheres of life
capacity building, equal participation, management programs, women’s
Creating enabling environment for women & youth through empowerment and capacity building, so women and youth can have active and meaning full participation in social, economic and political process in and out of country.
To achieve the mission WCBDO concentrate on four areas of concern:
- Lobby and Advocacy for gender equality.
- Women’s empowerment through Capacity building (Embroidery, Tailoring, carpet weaving etc.)
- Human rights and women’s right awareness raising.
- Education and research.
- Peace negotiation, peace security and peace building.